Noda Timezones

Noda Time Timezomes Info.


Getting timezones info that provided by Noda Time.

This package is not related to Noda Time and not all of Noda Time's APIs.

Some of the Timezones information provided by Noda Time is only created to be used in Node.js.




Runtime - Deno

deno add @ptm/noda-timezones

Runtime - Node.js

npx jsr add @ptm/noda-timezones
yarn dlx jsr add @ptm/noda-timezones
pnpm dlx  jsr add @ptm/noda-timezones

Runtime - Bun

bunx dlx  jsr add @ptm/noda-timezones


import { zoneData } from "@ptm/noda-timezones";
import { zoneCurrentTime } from "@ptm/noda-timezones";
import { currentTimeInCity } from "@ptm/noda-timezones";
import { getTimeZoneNames } from "@ptm/noda-timezones";

API Docs on JSR


NPM Version


npm i noda-timezones
yarn add noda-timezones
pnpm i noda-timezones


import {
} from "noda-timezones";

const zoneData = zoneData("Asia/Yangon");
console.log(zoneData);// Returns the zone object corresponding to the given timezone.

const zoneTime = zoneCurrentTime("Asia/Yangon").toLocaleString();
console.log(zoneTime); // Retrieves the current local time for a given timezone.

const cityTime = currentTimeInCity("Bangkok").toLocaleString();
console.log(time); // Calculates the current time in a specified city.
// Only capital cities and major cities are available.

const timezoneNamesInAsia: TimezoneNames = getTimeZoneNames();
console.log(; // Retrieves the names of different time zones categorized by region.

- all: A array of all time zone names.
- africa: A array of time zone names in Africa.
- usa: A array of time zone names in the United States.
- canada: A array of time zone names in Canada.
- brazil: A array of time zone names in Brazil.
- mexico: A array of time zone names in Mexico.
- antarctica: A array of time zone names in Antarctica.
- indian: A array of time zone names in the Indian Ocean.
- atlantic: A array of time zone names in the Atlantic Ocean.
- australia: A array of time zone names in Australia.
- europe: A array of time zone names in Europe.
- arctic: A array of time zone names in the Arctic Ocean.
- pacific: A array of time zone names in the Pacific Ocean.
- chile: A array of time zone names in Chile.
- asia: A array of time zone names in Asia.
- america: A array of time zone names in the Americas.

API Docs