
Helper Functions

  1#/* cSpell:disable */
  3Helper Functions
  6import datetime
  7from typing import List
  8from typing import Dict
  9import pytz
 10import requests
 13def unix_to_julian(ut: int) -> float:
 14    """
 15    Converts a Unix timestamp to a Julian date.
 17    Args:
 18        ut (int): The Unix timestamp to be converted to a Julian date.
 20    Returns:
 21        float: The Julian date corresponding to the input Unix timestamp.
 22    """
 23    # number of seconds from 1970 Jan 1 00:00:00 (UTC)
 24    jd = 2440587.5 + ut / 86400.0
 25    return jd
 28def julian_to_unix(jdn: float) -> float:
 29    """
 30    Converts a Julian date to a Unix timestamp.
 32    Args:
 33        jdn (float): The Julian date to be converted to a Unix timestamp.
 35    Returns:
 36        float: The Unix timestamp corresponding to the input Julian date.
 37    """
 38    unix_timestamp = (jdn - 2440587.5) * 86400.0 + 0.5
 39    return unix_timestamp
 42def get_local() -> dict:
 43    """
 44    Retrieves the current date, time, and other information in the local timezone.
 46    Returns:
 47        dict: A dictionary with the following keys:
 48            - 'ofs': the offset in seconds between UTC and the local timezone.
 49            - 'ofm': the offset in minutes between UTC and the local timezone.
 50            - 'ofh': the offset in hours between UTC and the local timezone.
 51            - 'ofstr': the string representation of the local timezone.
 52            - 'weekday': the name of the weekday based on the local date.
 53            - 'datetime': the formatted date and time in the local timezone.
 54    """
 55    # Get the current date and time in UTC
 56    utc_now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc)
 57    # Convert UTC time to the local timezone
 58    local_now = utc_now.astimezone()
 59    offset = local_now.utcoffset()
 60    offset_seconds = offset.total_seconds()
 61    offset_minutes = offset_seconds / 60
 62    offset_hours = offset_minutes / 60
 63    offset_str = str(local_now.tzinfo)
 64    weekday = local_now.weekday()
 65    date_time = local_now.strftime("%c")
 66    unix = local_now.timestamp()
 68    return {
 69        "ofs": offset_seconds,
 70        "ofm": offset_minutes,
 71        "ofh": offset_hours,
 72        "ofstr": offset_str,
 73        "weekday": weekday,
 74        "datetime": date_time,
 75        "unixtime": unix,
 76    }
 79def get_timezones() -> List[str]:
 80    """
 81    Retrieves a list of timezones from the World Time API.
 83    Returns:
 84        List[str]: A list of timezones in JSON format.
 85    """
 86    response = requests.get("http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone", timeout=5)
 87    return response.json()
 90def get_tz_info(tz: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
 91    """
 92    Retrieves information about a timezone using the World Time API.
 94    Args:
 95        tz (str): The timezone abbreviation.
 97    Returns:
 98        dict: A dictionary containing information about the timezone.
 99    """
100    response = requests.get(f"http://worldtimeapi.org/api/{tz}", timeout=5)
101    info = response.json()
103    return {
104        "abbr": info["abbreviation"],
105        "ip": info["client_ip"],
106        "datetime": info["datetime"],
107        "day_of_week": info["day_of_week"],
108        "day_of_year": info["day_of_year"],
109        "dst": info["dst"],
110        "dst_form": info["dst_from"],
111        "dst_util": info["dst_until"],
112        "dst_offset": info["dst_offset"],
113        "raw_offset": info["raw_offset"],
114        "utc_datetime": info["utc_datetime"],
115        "unixtime": info["unixtime"],
116        "week_number": info["week_number"],
117        "utc_offset": info["utc_offset"],
118    }
121def jd_now() -> float:
122    """
123    Calculates the Julian date corresponding to the current date and time in the local timezone.
125    Returns:
126        float: The Julian date corresponding to the current date and time in the local timezone.
127    """
128    unix = get_local()["unixtime"]
129    return unix_to_julian(unix)
def unix_to_julian(ut: int) -> float:
14def unix_to_julian(ut: int) -> float:
15    """
16    Converts a Unix timestamp to a Julian date.
18    Args:
19        ut (int): The Unix timestamp to be converted to a Julian date.
21    Returns:
22        float: The Julian date corresponding to the input Unix timestamp.
23    """
24    # number of seconds from 1970 Jan 1 00:00:00 (UTC)
25    jd = 2440587.5 + ut / 86400.0
26    return jd

Converts a Unix timestamp to a Julian date.

Args: ut (int): The Unix timestamp to be converted to a Julian date.

Returns: float: The Julian date corresponding to the input Unix timestamp.

def julian_to_unix(jdn: float) -> float:
29def julian_to_unix(jdn: float) -> float:
30    """
31    Converts a Julian date to a Unix timestamp.
33    Args:
34        jdn (float): The Julian date to be converted to a Unix timestamp.
36    Returns:
37        float: The Unix timestamp corresponding to the input Julian date.
38    """
39    unix_timestamp = (jdn - 2440587.5) * 86400.0 + 0.5
40    return unix_timestamp

Converts a Julian date to a Unix timestamp.

Args: jdn (float): The Julian date to be converted to a Unix timestamp.

Returns: float: The Unix timestamp corresponding to the input Julian date.

def get_local() -> dict:
43def get_local() -> dict:
44    """
45    Retrieves the current date, time, and other information in the local timezone.
47    Returns:
48        dict: A dictionary with the following keys:
49            - 'ofs': the offset in seconds between UTC and the local timezone.
50            - 'ofm': the offset in minutes between UTC and the local timezone.
51            - 'ofh': the offset in hours between UTC and the local timezone.
52            - 'ofstr': the string representation of the local timezone.
53            - 'weekday': the name of the weekday based on the local date.
54            - 'datetime': the formatted date and time in the local timezone.
55    """
56    # Get the current date and time in UTC
57    utc_now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc)
58    # Convert UTC time to the local timezone
59    local_now = utc_now.astimezone()
60    offset = local_now.utcoffset()
61    offset_seconds = offset.total_seconds()
62    offset_minutes = offset_seconds / 60
63    offset_hours = offset_minutes / 60
64    offset_str = str(local_now.tzinfo)
65    weekday = local_now.weekday()
66    date_time = local_now.strftime("%c")
67    unix = local_now.timestamp()
69    return {
70        "ofs": offset_seconds,
71        "ofm": offset_minutes,
72        "ofh": offset_hours,
73        "ofstr": offset_str,
74        "weekday": weekday,
75        "datetime": date_time,
76        "unixtime": unix,
77    }

Retrieves the current date, time, and other information in the local timezone.

Returns: dict: A dictionary with the following keys: - 'ofs': the offset in seconds between UTC and the local timezone. - 'ofm': the offset in minutes between UTC and the local timezone. - 'ofh': the offset in hours between UTC and the local timezone. - 'ofstr': the string representation of the local timezone. - 'weekday': the name of the weekday based on the local date. - 'datetime': the formatted date and time in the local timezone.

def get_timezones() -> List[str]:
80def get_timezones() -> List[str]:
81    """
82    Retrieves a list of timezones from the World Time API.
84    Returns:
85        List[str]: A list of timezones in JSON format.
86    """
87    response = requests.get("http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone", timeout=5)
88    return response.json()

Retrieves a list of timezones from the World Time API.

Returns: List[str]: A list of timezones in JSON format.

def get_tz_info(tz: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
 91def get_tz_info(tz: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
 92    """
 93    Retrieves information about a timezone using the World Time API.
 95    Args:
 96        tz (str): The timezone abbreviation.
 98    Returns:
 99        dict: A dictionary containing information about the timezone.
100    """
101    response = requests.get(f"http://worldtimeapi.org/api/{tz}", timeout=5)
102    info = response.json()
104    return {
105        "abbr": info["abbreviation"],
106        "ip": info["client_ip"],
107        "datetime": info["datetime"],
108        "day_of_week": info["day_of_week"],
109        "day_of_year": info["day_of_year"],
110        "dst": info["dst"],
111        "dst_form": info["dst_from"],
112        "dst_util": info["dst_until"],
113        "dst_offset": info["dst_offset"],
114        "raw_offset": info["raw_offset"],
115        "utc_datetime": info["utc_datetime"],
116        "unixtime": info["unixtime"],
117        "week_number": info["week_number"],
118        "utc_offset": info["utc_offset"],
119    }

Retrieves information about a timezone using the World Time API.

Args: tz (str): The timezone abbreviation.

Returns: dict: A dictionary containing information about the timezone.

def jd_now() -> float:
122def jd_now() -> float:
123    """
124    Calculates the Julian date corresponding to the current date and time in the local timezone.
126    Returns:
127        float: The Julian date corresponding to the current date and time in the local timezone.
128    """
129    unix = get_local()["unixtime"]
130    return unix_to_julian(unix)

Calculates the Julian date corresponding to the current date and time in the local timezone.

Returns: float: The Julian date corresponding to the current date and time in the local timezone.